Fact Sheet


Latin Name:

Bees – Apis Honey Bees – Apis mellifera Hornets – Vespa

Typical Infestation Locations:

Tree hollows, wall cavities, attics, chimneys, abandoned rodent burrows, ground structures, eaves, sheds, electrical boxes, hollow walls, unmaintained structures, natural/artificial structures, and underground locations.

Methods of Control (DIY):

Sealing entry points, removing attractants, removing small accessible nests at night, using natural deterrents, creating a decoy nest, blocking off potential nesting sites.

Methods of Control (Professional):

Relocation, removal, insecticidal sprays, preventive measures, and integrated pest management techniques.

More Information

Prices for bees

Our bee treatment service is priced start from £70. For active bee nests, we employ a careful and environmentally friendly approach to ensure their effective treatment, while dormant nests are safely removed whenever feasible. Bee nests are commonly found in accessible and easily approachable locations. However, please be aware that if the nests are situated in challenging-to-reach areas, high-rise structures, or require treatment outside of standard working hours, pricing may vary accordingly. If you require further information or have any specific enquiries, please feel free to contact us. We are dedicated to providing you with the necessary details and support regarding our bee treatment services.

A bumblebee pollinating a flower.

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